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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I've got a road morph, which is a good pay-off - the convenience of a pump you can carry, but operates like a track pump. Mine's the old style without a gauge (I got it cheap just before the gauge ones came out), gauges are available now.


Bird Saviour
Well done Loops. the pressure your tyres should run at, is imprinted on the side wall of the tyre (it's not very clear, look hard!). There will be two measurements. One will be "bar" and one will be "psi". they equate to the same but your pump with have either "bar" measurement or "psi" measurement, or maybe both (a bit like the speedometre in your car when MPH is on the outer and KMph is on the inside. )

8 or 9 bar is the same as around 120-130 psi if i remember rightly.

your tyre wall will show the minimum and the maximum. lots of people prefer to run their tyres as approx 10% below the maximum. personally for me, i go to maximum because i find i get less unplanned deflations that way. (everytime i've run them lower i've had a flat, so i run it at max now and it's fine... i figure the lawyers wouldn't let them print the "real" max pressure anyway!).

you also need a good quality hand pump (like a "pocket rocket") for out and about also, just in case you get an unplanned deflation on the road, as a bog standard halfords job is not going to be able to pump it up to pressure. Find a hand pump that pumps up to at least 100psi (they sell them on wiggle). or get some CO2 canisters and an inflator, which is dead easy to use and makes the job much easier! (if you use CO2 you need to replace it with air from your track pump when you get home, as it slowly seeps out over the next 48 hours as CO2 is thinner than air).

my mate couldn't understand why she couldn't get her tyres up to pressure, until i pointed out she hadn't unscrewed the presta valve PMSL. (she's a noobie!)


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I use an electric compressor off my car battery. Trouble is, I dont know how accurate the gauge is as it is only a cheap one I got from my local Shell garage. I go up to 120psi on the gauge but got the feeling that the gauge is actually out and reads higher than the real pressure.
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