Here is an tertiarily related spooky Halloween story.
I took my bike out of the rack, and got down to the main road and something felt clunky. I checks the race blade, but it seemed attached well.
When I stopped at the top of the hill I had figured it out. The stem was somehow loose. On any slight bump it felt like my bike had mysteriously developed suspension, but a broken variant. I tightened things up. The QR was flush so I didn't investigate.
So of course, nothing was better, stopped again after riding like I'd pooped myself, I checked the QR and it was held on by a spring's grace. The QR was flat for some reason, but pointing 15 degrees away, and I hadn't thought much about it. But it turned out to be incredibly slack. Just enough resistance to not spin around on every teensy bump.
That bike rack has it in for me.