.........You offered an opinion on it, which you cannot back up, can you?
You can say that as many times as you like, and it won't make it any more true. You made the original claim, to which I responded. "Ask yourself if there is anyone more likely to know than them" (medical personnel in A&E) is not an assertion, and requires, therefore, no substantiation, particularly as the burden of proof lies with you. You are the one with unsubstantiated (and unsubstantiatable) assertions:
Every time a cyclist ends up at casualty they are either praised for having been wearing a helmet or chided for not wearing one.
EVERY TIME, mark you. Unsubstantiated assertion exacerbated by silly hyperbole.
In either case it is without correlation to whether or not there was any impact to the head or any possible knowledge as to the possible efficacy of a helmet. .
Unsubstantiated assertion translating as: medics cannot have any possible knowledge of whether or not helmets are efficacious.
You made the original claims:
Doctors and ambulance crew often say this sort of thing.
Unsubstantiated assertion
Ask yourself how they could know.
The inference to which I responded.
You have 3 major unsubstantiated assertions which you refuse to back up. You clearly have no idea whatsoever about the principle of the
burden of proof. Let me help you: the burden of proof lies with those making the claim.
Not those responding to any such claim. Time to stop playing games, back up your claims, or accept that you can't.