I pulled my 'best' wheels out of their wheelbags that they've been snuggled-up in all Winter, only to find a 1cm gash straight across the tread of one when I blew them up.
I deflated it and took it off, saw it was gashed all the way through to the inside.
Rather ironic that I've been cossetting them in wheelbags all Winter when it was ruined anyway !
And irritating because they're hadly worn, not much mileage at all.
Still that's the glass-half-empty view on it - the glass-half-full view is that I did notice, I didn't just blow them up, go out and have a catastrophic front-wheel blowout whilst descending at 40mph, or 50 miles from home. And that it didn't happen last time out last year - I don't know how it happened, but it wasn't in the wheelbag, so I must have ridden it home like that.
Still, I'm now left with one almost new PR2 and a need for a new tyre to go with it.
I guess I can buy a red&black PR3 which will look identical-enough to be a matching pair, and if the PR3 is really grippier than the PR2 then I'll have it on the front.