Pro-helmet article on BBC One Show right now

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I wouldn't go out of my way to tell someone they should be if I saw someone not wearing one in real life, however this is a forum for discussion, so I'll take part.

Let me think for a minute what I'd say to someone telling me in real life I ought to wear a helmet.........:boxing:.....:biggrin:


extimus uero philosophus
Isn't the program in response to the cyclist that died even though wearing a helmet that didn't stand up to the job .. intended ..

And James Cracknell still nearly died, and still got a massive brain injury.... I admire James on so many levels but on this he's missed the point on so many levels.

david k

North West
then maybe you should focus on riding safely, assertively and focus on hazard awareness rather than be blinkered by the fact that you have some protective equipment on?

I've no real opinion one way or t'other but your 3rd point equates to "drive with a seat belt on and i can put myself in more danger than i can if i drive with no seat belt on."

sorry i musnt have made my point correctly. like working on a building site, ppe is a last resort and not a replacement for working safely. just because i wear a hard hat on site doesnt mean we stop using kick boards on scaffolds. i ride safely and confidently, having a helmet on makes me feel better, nothing wrong with that


Back to the One Show piece, the BHIT trainer didn't exactly look like she'd been anywhere near a bike any time recently.


The design impact of a helmet is 12-15mph, so why would it help at 20? Do you actually know anything or are you making this up as you go along?

they dont suddenly magically 'not do anything'. the 12/15 is to 'avoid any damage' the helmet would 'break' and disipate energy that otherwise would go into your head..

Its sort of akin to saying 'well if i had a crash at 100mph, the seatbelt wouldnt make a difference, so i'll never wear it' .

mind you, what we really should wear is something to protect the collar bone..


I see elements of smoking will not give me cancer in these helmet posts, there will always be people who think it will not happen to them. Funny enough thinking about the people I know who do not wear helmets they are all smokers, smelly horrible things. This of course may not be every bodies experience or opinion.

Personally I do not smoke and I do wear a helmet, I have done my own risk assessment and consider it a worth while thing to do.

I know. I could tell from the first 13 words in your post.


Über Member
Somerset, UK
Back to the One Show piece, the BHIT trainer didn't exactly look like she'd been anywhere near a bike any time recently.

I will freely admit that that exact thought did cross my mind, but didn't want to mention it without knowing for sure. If I could ask her the question directly I would.

Dan B

Disengaged member
[QUOTE 1397384"]
So, can someone summarise for me .................... should I wear a helmet or not?

Depends. Do you want to?

david k

North West
i think you should, but cannot make you. it makes me feel better and is more likely to help me than hinder me if i had an accident, regardless of this people thin its a bad idea. thats why it should be law, to protect people from themselves
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