There's a notorious spot in Downe, N Kent, which after all the parking for the pub and cake shop leaves a one side free and it is MY side of the road.
As you do, I was minding my own business riding in the one free side, when Tommy Tintop in his Disco comes straight at me.
There is the odd spot for him to pull over a bit, but he just keeps coming. In the end I just unclip, stop and lean with elbows on the hoods and wait for him to stop.
"Are you going to get out of the way/"
"Er, no" I says, "It's my bit of road".
"Your a cyclist, you don't own any of the road". (This tends to harden one's attitude a mite.)
The one sided exchange went on for a minute or two, with him looking like a beetroot.
With a couple of cars backed up behind both him and me, I just calmly dismounted, walked to the pavement, waved to the assembled convoy, got on againand carefully joined the road up ahead.
The argument was still proceeding......................