I referenced about 20 papers earlier, that by and large conclude that it matters not how you mash, most of which I have actually read. You came up with one that says who knows what, that you have not read.
Let's put a little perspective into this.
Edited to say: Look there are people in this debate who have done the reading and who have a solid grasp on the consensus (and it is a consensus despite a few dissenting voices) that power delivery is not dependant on pedalling technique, beyond simple biomechanical constraints. This subject is not new to us. The fact that they keep asking for evidence is not because they want you to find it for them, it's because they know that there is not very much evidence out there.
Coming to this subject from nothing, having been blinded by the Garmin sales spin, and then reflexively grabbing whatever Google can find, is not going to convince those of us who have been doing the reading for years.