Post something nice about someone you 'hate'

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Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Getting booted off CC saved me a lot of unpleasant fun.
To be fair, the only train he got to run on time was the one he was travelling on. Because he stopped all other trains from running on that route.:laugh:

At least Boris signed off the rent a bike scheme in London, although all the work had been done by the previous Mayor.

He also tried, when Mayor of London, to get the anti-homeless spikes in shop doorways and entrances removed, on the basis that being homeless was miserable enough without them.


back and brave
Losing me here.
Unless this is one of those oh so innocent thread starts with an agenda which the OP directs.

Nope, you perceive malfeasance where there genuinely is none. You lost only my oblique reference picked up more explicitly by...

A bit like our current PM then:laugh:

I am quite genuinely challenging people to acknowledge that there is some good in everyone, especially those that they prefer to cast as the devil incarnate. :smile:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Piers Morgan must have some redeeming features.
Or perhaps that is just wishful thinking.

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
Boris Johnson did some good for cycling in London when he was Mayor:whistle:....apart from that he's still a gaslighting adulterous serial liar who exploits populism for his own ends.
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