I see you have BSH Silvers
We had one spotted and on tabby too. Unfortunely the tabby developed a spinal blood clot last year and had to be put to sleep. He would have been 10 years old last Friday. We still have the spotted though
They're not brits
@Threevok - and that's not silver either. Just a domestic shorthair black tabbies with very fine spotted (mum) and classic (kitten) markings. The colour is wrong for a silver anyway. The gene *is* present in moggies, although it's not very common.
The silver gene causes an absence of the yellow pigment in a cat's coat (cats only have two basic coat pigments, black & yellow), and as a result, the non-black bits on a cat expressing the silver gene are actually white. Which is what gives you that metallic grey on a tabby, or the white undercoat on a smoke.
What you're actually seeing on that classic tabby is another gene that affects the intensity of the pigment in the coat.