One of our pair, Scruffy, is not doing so well. Diagnosed last week with kidney disease, she spent the last 4 days at a specialist vet in Winchester. Now back home with many shaved bits and on a special diet which she is refusing to eat, and 4 tablets a day for the rest of her life which could be months or 2 years (which the vet said will be good going). Bless her, she's only 7 years old.
Picture from a few year s ago, she'd always been good at the 'poor old dog' face.
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Our little sweetheart continues to battle on. She's on so may tablets each day she rattles

She gets the shakes quite badly now, and the day sof charging about like a loon are, I think, gone

She is still perky, and not showing any signs of pain, I'm sure she'll let me know when she's had enough.
My boy Ridley is used to company, he's not been alone since we bought Scruffy home when he was 18 months, so we started getting registered with Dogs Trust, RSPCA and Battersea. We met a beautiful Northern Inuit last week who had not been well treated, started the process but unfortunately she turned on Ridley for no reason, so a non-starter. I do home she finds a good home as she was a real delight.
The following day found us registering at Battersea Old Windsor, and subsequently meeting a 4 year old lurcher. After a couple of human and dog meets he was reserved, and I'm off to collect him at 2:30 this afternoon.
I reckon it's going to be chaos at chez CosmicBike for a while