'polite' hi viz jackets

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New Member
I think the most valid point in that legal banter conversation was that as soon as the morons realise it isn't a police vest they will get closer and increase their harrassment.

I also believe that it is close enoogh to a Police vest to warrent a minimum of a 'ticking off' by an officer of der loooer.

I have decided I won't wear one. I will continue to wear my hi vis vest which I ALWAYS wear. I may even add some choice words to it..but it won't infer that i am a police officer.
When i was a truck driver i remember following a long line of traffic through Manchester for what seemed like eternity and when i eventually got near the front i could see what the hold up was ... A Cyclist ! and on the back of his jacket it said " Caution Deaf Cyclist " i did'nt see one vehicle try to pass to closely



Bigtallfatbloke said:
I think the most valid point in that legal banter conversation was that as soon as the morons realise it isn't a police vest they will get closer and increase their harrassment.

I also believe that it is close enoogh to a Police vest to warrent a minimum of a 'ticking off' by an officer of der loooer.

I have decided I won't wear one. I will continue to wear my hi vis vest which I ALWAYS wear. I may even add some choice words to it..but it won't infer that i am a police officer.
The legal banter quickly degenerated and digressed to RLJ, pavement cycling and cycling with no lights etc, tbh. The real fuzzzzz have seen me loads of times...not a dicky bird (I even say 'hello' to them on their bikes when I go past them, being polite n all that), but I can fully understand your reservations for not wanting to wear one.


Senior Member
Jakes Dad said:
When i was a truck driver i remember following a long line of traffic through Manchester for what seemed like eternity and when i eventually got near the front i could see what the hold up was ... A Cyclist ! and on the back of his jacket it said " Caution Deaf Cyclist " i did'nt see one vehicle try to pass to closely




Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I used to know a guy who trained he dog to follow just behind his bike and would happily ride trough traffic with the dog following behind...
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