Finally, in response to RedLight I think he's being a little unfair and tarring us all with the same brush. Yes, I have colleagues who act like that no matter what. In fact I have one on my shift, but only one on a shift of fifty. The majority of us, when spoken to calmly and rationally are perfectly capable of applying reason to our standpoint, which is why I asked or it as he purpose of my post! I hope you can understand, the majority of people we deal with tend to be dishonest (I found this bag of coke on the floor I was going to hand it in) and use aggression as a challenge hoping they can get us to back down. We're almost conditioned (not trained) therefore to be massively defensive and immovable in the face of aggression, as trust me, showing weakness to some of the underclass we deal with gets you assaulted. On the other hand, because we deal with this so often, meeting a genine, decent person capable of communicating is a pleasure. RedLights post in many ways conveyed my point - stay calm, be prepared to explain the 'cycling knowledge' and you should find yourself avoiding his issues.