Parrot of Doom
New Member
Why should an over taking car be on the otherside of the road ? Leaving a car sized gap does not mean going to the wrong side of the road.
No but if the other side of the road is clear, then why not do it anyway? Being passed by cars isn't a pleasant experience.
Also what is it with cyclists being happy to squeeze through tiny gaps between cars to get to the front of traffic lights and hold people up when the lights go green , but when a car overtakes them they expect a massive gap and a car to wait behind them at 12 mph for as long as it takes.
When you're driving through a car park, or down a narrow street where children are being dropped off at school, do you do so at 30mph, or 10mph? A cyclist can easily get between slow or stationary traffic since the speed differential is about 5mph, and because he can see every single car. He cannot see traffic overtaking him, and a car does not have the same maneuverability as a bicycle. Cyclist hits car while filtering = bruises and scratched panels. Car hits cyclist while overtaking = bruises, serious injury, death...and scratched/dented panels.
Also no cyclist wants to hold traffic up. We filter to the front so we can be seen, and so we can clear a hazardous junction before other traffic has a chance to turn across it.