colinr said:
Next thing you'll be saying that commuting isn't a race. I don't believe a word of it.
No issue with being "competative" on the commute.
The point I was making was that all the bike snobbery does my head in.
I have a standard Trek 7.3FX with M520's, gel seal cover fitted and cheap alloy bottle cage + 1L
Wiggle bottle.
My gear consists of some padded baggy shorts that I got from Wiggle for £25, a Man Utd training top which I found (which BTW is superb as it has excellent wicking performance), some Lidl shoes, cheap sports socks from Sports Soccer and some padded weight training gloves.
Can I ride faster and longer than a fair few better kitted out riders on road bike exotica? You bet ya!
I don't want to seen as one of the "all the gear, no idea" brigade.