Plantar Fashiitis

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Formerly just_fixed
Anybody had this? I've now had it since April and have been to the podiatrist, who gave me inserts which really really screwed up my feet.

I've been back and have been plaster cast for bespoke orthotics which I'll get next week.

It's really interfering with my riding (and life) and the pain is getting me down. I've read all the research papers, which basically come to the conclusion, that nobody knows exactly what it is, how it happens or how to cure it - everyone is different and as such different things work for different people.

I just started having sports massages at Salford uni sports rehab clinic (which are so painful). They reckon that 12 hours shifts and fixie riding have both contributed to my tendons and nerve sheaths becoming "knotted", dunno if they are right or wrong. One thing is definite tho, my muscles are ridiculously tight and need sorting thru massage.

Have any of you guys had this and what worked for you? Has anyone had it for more than a year?


Had it for about 5 years and had heal spurs as well as a result, avoid a steriod injection, made no difference and was very painful in the heal and softened heal pad more.

Insoles worked for a bit but messed with my hips. Proper stretching after a ride not before help as does time on the bike, another activity like walking really helps keep the lower leg and foot muscles in balance.

That and a rolling pin under the foot while watching TV and rolling it back and forth. You need to stretch the ligament.


Formerly just_fixed
Had it for about 5 years and had heal spurs as well as a result, avoid a steriod injection, made no difference and was very painful in the heal and softened heal pad more.

Insoles worked for a bit but messed with my hips. Proper stretching after a ride not before help as does time on the bike, another activity like walking really helps keep the lower leg and foot muscles in balance.

That and a rolling pin under the foot while watching TV and rolling it back and forth. You need to stretch the ligament.

I've been using a frozen bottle of water, the thought that I'm going to have this long term makes me feel sad. Re the steroid injection, I had one in my elbow after a car accident, there is no way in hell I'm having one of them again-painful and useless.


I've had this recently and it was very very painful. I've not had any pain for about a month now, all because of three things i done. 1. Heel drops. Stand with the balls of your feet on a step and drop you heels down. Hurts like hell to start with. Then raise up to the tips of your toes. Then back down again, getting your heels as low as you can. Do it very slowly.
2. A small plastic bottle filled with water. Freeze it, then roll it under your painful foot.
3. As i'm a runner, i changed my running shoes from an expensive fitted shoe, to a minimalist barefoot shoe. And it's the best thing i've ever done. And saved myself loads of money too.

The heel drops are a must though!

The pain has gone......But i still do the bottle thing as well. Just in case.


World class procrastinator
I have this but, with me, the pain comes and goes. I have had inserts in my shoe - its only the left foot - which helped when I was standing up all day. Now I am walking most of the day, its not so bad. I do foot exercises (frozen bottle & heel drops thing as per Trevrev) which seem to help.
I am not sure that it ever goes away properly though.


Formerly just_fixed
Started doing the heel drops and stretches the sports rehab masseur gave me yesterday. Seems to be working already but tomorrow morning will be the acid test.

Trail Child

Well-Known Member
Ottawa, Canada
I've had it since last March. It hasn't hurt my riding at all but it certainly has cut back my running. I also work 12 hour shifts on my feet. I've tried almost everything - physio, massage, ART, Graston, orthotics, braces, etc. I'm hoping it just fades away eventually.


Formerly just_fixed
I've had it since last March. It hasn't hurt my riding at all but it certainly has cut back my running. I also work 12 hour shifts on my feet. I've tried almost everything - physio, massage, ART, Graston, orthotics, braces, etc. I'm hoping it just fades away eventually.
I hope I have more luck with the massages, inserts and stretching. I just can't eat anymore painkillers, they're starting to give me headaches (ironic huh?).


Just keep at the heel drops and frozen bottle of water. I could hardly walk when i first got it. The pain was like nothing i'd ever had before.
Pain killers didn't help either.


Formerly just_fixed
Just keep at the heel drops and frozen bottle of water. I could hardly walk when i first got it. The pain was like nothing i'd ever had before.
Pain killers didn't help either.
I will be doing, and I can go through periods of where getting up for a pee at night is so painful I can just about walk by hanging onto the bedroom furniture.


I have this, but not as badly as some. Went to the physio and she got me doing the calf stretch where you bend the knee of the leg you're stretching and push the knee forward - she says good ankle mobility is important (I think I have got this right). She also told me to massage with a frozen bottle of water if it really hurt, but she also said not to do that all the time as it is better to massage it when the muscle is warm. So I also massage with a tennis ball and think that is really good. I've also been massaging it with my fingers - I've been rubbing cream in (not that the cream gives any benifit, but it makes the massage easier as I don't have massage oil!).

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