Plans for the weekend?

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I shall be changing the antifreeze, waterpump, cambelt and cambelt tensioners in my beloved old Citroen BX TZD. Bought it as a £30 MoT write off four years ago, replaced radiator, pinion valve, hoses, heater matrix, alternator, fuel pump, thermostat, driveshafts, exhaust, wheels, starter motor, wheel bearings, gaiters, bumper, foglamps, brake shoes and discs, LHM, and windscreen washer. It's now worth about £35 : )


Senior Member
trio25 said:
Sunday, meeting some odd people off a cycle forum for a ride over to Holmefirth :ohmy:

:biggrin: ditto.


Hong Kong
It's Independance day tomorrow in Finland which means the whole country shuts down and parties. :biggrin:;)

We also have to light candles on either the balcony or in windows to show respect for the people who fought for independence in 1917.


Hong Kong
Dayvo said:
Just like any other Saturday, then! ;)

Even more so tomorrow. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
I haven't been in this thread for a LONG time!!

My girls (and their boyfriends) are coming up. One couple has just got engaged which is the best news since the husband and I got engaged, so we will be drinking lots of champers. We'll also be going to the Dales for a walk and a cream tea and then drinking more champagne. I also hope to get out for a run, and to spend some 'quality time' with the husband as I've been away all week.

Hurrah for the weekend.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
I might dream up some hair-brained get-rich-quick scheme where I hide my daughter in a friends double divan for two weeks then 'miraculously' find her and claim the reward......

Oh no, that's already been done by someone.
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