Busy day.... started on a major clear out of my son's bedroom (was done only a few weeks ago - kids eh.....) - got the relevant hot wheels tracks back in a big box, got the lego where it needed to be.... etc...etc.... (preparation for a storage unit planned for Christmas.....

Then off to Stockport for the Victorian Market - we all enjoyed the free games, the kids came away with a few little prizes, and we also had 'free' roasted chestnuts. Boy was it cold.....felt sorry for the street entertainers...... Bought my wife a new mobile for Christmas - her first 'new' phone for many years - most have been either hand me downs from me or my folks as she's Pay as you Go.....got a LG KP500 'Cookie' - cracking touch screen phone - I'm well jealous.....it's well better than mine.....
Back then to start on the Lego....... rebuilt son's petrol station, found the missing bits of the police station, downloaded some more instructions to rebuild some other kit including a bunch of space men/martian spaceships.... (that's tomorrow). Son then embarked upon building his new police HGV truck (£30 - ouch and it's not very big.....thing Lego people sized - just a HGV, rather than a car which costs about £8) and he has just started an electric ferris wheel set.......(that was loads more).....the good thing was this was all from his birthday money from his class mates recently - both the truck and ferris wheel were what he has been after for ages.
I'll pop some pics up once he get's those built, and we have the space men sorted. Still have stacks of lego though, all my old lego, my sisters, my younger brothers, and my sons..... The big plus is some kind folk have uploaded scans of the plans of loads of the sets on the net....brings back some memories...... fair bit of organising needed on what's left - we had it sorted about a year ago...it's all mixed up again......