Pipe Smokers - an increasingly rare sight?

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Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
I'm currently sporting a big, droopy, Hulk Hogan-esque horseshoe moustache.
Anything like this?



Why do pipes smell better than horrible cigarettes?
There’s no filter in pipes so isn’t it even worse for you?


Legendary Member
35 or so years ago, a group of local guys started a "Pipe and Malt Club". A dozen blokes round someone's house 4 times a year, bottles of Malt on the table, puffing away on pipes.

I was invited in about 4 years ago, pipes are long gone but £10 each in the pot, help yourself to an ever changing set of malts and dine on pork pies, bread and cheese. Still call it The Pipe and Malt Club!


Why do pipes smell better than horrible cigarettes?
There’s no filter in pipes so isn’t it even worse for you?
Theoretically at least, smoking a pipe is less harmful than cigarettes as you don't inhale the smoke directly into the lungs (same with cigars). In reality I think it's more likely to give you mouth cancer but less likely to give you lung cancer.

I don't know enough about tobacco to properly explain the aroma but it is to do with how the tobacco is dried, cured and blended. Cigarette tobacco has more chemicals added too to make it less acidic so you can inhale it.


Legendary Member
Even rarer than pipe smokers.......when was the last time you saw someone taking snuff?
I was in a pub on Bodmin Moor the other week and they'd got snuff for sale behind the bar - not seen that for a while.
My maternal grandfather, who lived in Bedford, was a snuff taker. He always had Hedges L260 brand which, funnily enough, was made just near where I lived as a kid in Birmingham.

When I left school and became in 1951 apprentice in the hosiery and knitwear industry lot of the male workers used snuff Users easily identified when they got their handkerchiefs out to stifle a sneeze by there brown stained handkerchief.:angry::angry::angry:
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Not all cigarette tobacco smells horrible either. Old Holborn has a very distinct and sweet aroma although I never considered it a particularly nice smoke.

Marlboro on the other handxx(

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Round at my neighbour's the other day she said "I fancy a toot on my pipe". I thought mmm, a 58 year old woman smoking a 'blokes' pipe, this i've got to see! 🤔 She went into the kitchen for a few minutes and reappeared with a cannabis pipe about a foot long with a bowl the size of an egg cup,full of weed!!:ohmy:
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