Read this post with interest...ive just started getting numb fingers after changing bikes.
You try to eliminate things..
I've just switched to the new shape veloce ergos, never (or rarely) had problems with Xenon.
I always wear padded gloves that have previously served me well.
I'm not overstretched so putting too much pressure on my hands.
I switch regularly between the hood, drops and a central position on wing bars.
Perhaps the padding has had it in the gloves.
If i undo the wrist straps, it does seem better.
Perhaps the new shape ergos are not as comfortable. They feel comfortable so maybe its not them.
I actually have a quite short stem. It helps my back not to be stretched out, but the short stem is a new thing, so perhaps thats having an effect...dont think so somehow, but...
Perhaps its the new shaped bars ?
Like Andrew Culture, i used to sunconciously bunch or curl my toes when pushing along. You have to train yourself to relax.