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Brian Stacks

Active Member
As a qualified nurse I feel it is my duty to not shy away from delicate health issues. As such I would like to highlight the subject of piles after completing a 54mile ride last weekend. Does anyone else have advice and I hope this can be of use to other riders.:eek:


Drapolene, I know it sounds odd. I was two days away from having mine operated on 25 years ago, out of desperation I used some of the kids nappy cream the sooothing sensation was sublime.

The OP was cancelled due to bed shortage and I still use drapolene after every motion passed ( is that the right term) Piles got better and have not come back.

I have told this too many people over the years and have heard positive results.


Are you saying that the ride caused the piles or you already had them and 54 miles was painful?
As a nurse you probably already know about prevention. Ask your GP for some steroid cream.

Hugh Manatee

I'm going to be frank here. I once had a dose of farmer Giles. I found the treatment almost as bad as the complaint! Fibre is your friend. A big bowl of All Bran every morning might not win you any friends for the first few days, (farting like a brewery horse reduces after 3 or 4 days) but it will help a lot. Just remember to drink more water/tea as well.

I have had them return a few times although not as bad as the first time, and the fibre treatment sees them off. I write this assuming you know exactly what is wrong and having had everything else ruled out.
Drink plenty, exercise regularly, eat a diet that keeps stools soft so you are not straining. If you are struggling to get the diet right, take a teaspoon of whole psyllium husks in a little water each day.


Dog on a bike
Thankfully I don't suffer any pain with mine, just copious amounts of bleeding. I've not really figured out the cause although I can rule out long distance cycling as it doesn't seem to matter if I've done 100 miles or not looked at a bike for weeks.

I did use suppositories for a while which seemed to ease the bleeding a bit but now I just manage it as best I can.
Hope you haven't got stacks of piles, Brian.



Germaloids work wonders. http://www.germoloids.co.uk/en/home/index.php


Bird Saviour
I'm not sure, all I know is that arse cream is good for eye bags, so maybe you could try some Olay or No.7 down there?
Brian Stacks

Brian Stacks

Active Member
Can I just say, although you all already know, bleeding from rectum can happen for many other reasons. It is very important that it is not assumed to be piles without investigation.
I have had them checked by GP and they are piles. Thanks for your concern as I agree strongly with your comment.

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