Ride It Like You Stole It!
- Location
- South Manchester
The local Scooby garage has a Scooby converted to a pick up !
All very true...There aren't any estate cars out there that can handle a standard sized pallet, or haul a 1.2 tonne payload on board.
And if you do like i did and get a canopy, you can clip them on in under a minute and keep your more delicate cargo dry.
You can haul a pile of manure while keeping the cabin smelling sweet and fragrant.
You can chuck bikes in the back without taking wheels off first or worrying about getting the chains on the upholstery.
I do agree they should be used for the school run- but then no car should be used for that - but they have uses and up sides. When you've owned a few yourself then you'll know that first hand.
And you have no problems with what other people do? A touch of hypocrisy?Exactly this.
What is more concerning is why is it a problem to some people what others do?
Sweat the big stuff like: the deteriorating provision of social healthcare, staffing levels in hospitals, combatting poverty and having access to affordable housing and my doppelganger
Nowt like a bit of generalisation, you missed out white people!!The drivers of these vehicles break the law more often. They use mobiles more or ignore the seat belt law. They are often driven stupidly and aggressively, especially those L200s. Popular with thugs and rednecks in Norfolk and marketed directly toward inadequate men, that's why they choose those stupid names. It's advertised as "Aggressive".
I have just been sick. My dog likes this picture. Yummy yummy part digested food.These ladies need their Pick Up Truck
Nowt like a bit of generalisation,
Imperial College London found 4x4 drivers were four times more likely to use mobile phones than other drivers, while a third more shunned seat belts.
The team, who observed 41,000 motorists, said those in 4x4s took more risks as they felt safer in their cars, the British Medical Journal reported.
All stastics are generalisation. Unless they relate to ethnics and then they are racists generalisation.
Because you are implying all truck drivers do it.