No they haven't. Bottom of this page:
A record is kept of the origin URL when it is converted and stored on CC. Should we receive a take-down request which corresponds with the author's site and origin URL we will honour the removal immediately.
As to copying in general - whilst people
should respect your copyright and
not use your images without permission, when you post them on public websites you make them available for people to copy and they do. I appreciate "everyone does it" is not an excuse, but ... everyone does it these days without thinking about it, and your images will be no different.
With that in mind, keep your absolute best photos to yourself and don't post them online. If you must, post them at such a small size or low quality that they would be of little or no practical use for anyone copying them. Alternatively consider adding a watermark or prominent copyright notice in an area of the image that it would be difficult to crop without ruining the "shot" for the person wanting to use it.
Unfortunately there isn't much CC can do for images you have uploaded here on threads that are public, but if you'd like to restrict viewing to members only you should upload them to the Media Gallery where you can limit who can view them.