...........and yes the seat was up ......
How many times have you been told?
...........and yes the seat was up ......
I was up a step ladder painting the ceiling and it fell out of my pocket...
and yes the seat was up ......
This is sounding more and more implausible. What possible reason could anyone have for taking an internet-enabled phone into the bathroom?
You most likely won’t get any deal on a SIM free iPhone as there’s barely any margin. John Lewis will give you an extra years warranty as standard but they sell out fast so order ASAP if they have themall sorted...Insurance co will cover the damaged phone..so now waiting until Friday to save a bit of money .....Just have to make do with my old Nokia Brick until then
Fair enoughmy wife got a cracking del on a sim free iPhone last year on Black Friday.....we also got two Mac books on ''black saturday'' ( the day after ) so fingers crossed......