Peter Sagan

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My 7 year old daughter asked me about Sagan this morning. His antics were even reported in her children's newspaper.


I think Cav has already summed this up. Sagan can do what he likes as long as rides as awesomely as he does - and he'll ride even better once he learns a fuller range of tactics. I can't believe people are so frickin miserable about riders who add colour to a peloton which is generally quite anonymous.

Care to comment on this statement in light of recent events ? Or maybe the 9 others that liked it might ?


back and brave
ld's question is robust but a fair one. FM can, and no doubt will, comment for himself.

But personally I would say that I don't think FM's comment "Sagan can do what he likes as long as rides as awesomely as he does" can be fairly taken to include the bum pinching. I'm quite sure FM didn't envisage that and indeed has subsequently stated his disapproval.


And who are the locals?


ld's question is robust but a fair one. FM can, and no doubt will, comment for himself.

But personally I would say that I don't think FM's comment "Sagan can do what he likes as long as rides as awesomely as he does" can be fairly taken to include the bum pinching. I'm quite sure FM didn't envisage that and indeed has subsequently stated his disapproval.
As FM bangs on about the empowering of women and the importance of role models in other parts of the forum, I would have expected him to have stated his disapproval more robustly. Of course as he likes Sagan as a rider this may have clouded his judgement. Much as millions were hoodwinked with ....


The guy is 23. He is going to make mistakes and he is going to regret making them! He will hopefully learn.

No one is condoning what Sagan done but imo there is a lot of overreaction. I mean he got the girls number didn't he? :whistle:

On a more serious note, would there be such outrage is a female did the same to a man? Or if it was same sex? Why is it so much worse when a man does it to a female?

How many guys have been out in their kilt and have had woman groping at them from all angles in an attempt to see if they are a "true Scot"? It takes more than one hand to count the amount of times a member of the female persuasion has lifted my kilt. All fun and games apparently because it's the other way about.

Any guys tried lifting a girls skirt up to see the reaction? :B)


Care to comment on this statement in light of recent events ? Or maybe the 9 others that liked it might ?

Shall I make this very clear for you, since you appear to think you've discovered some amazing contradiction:

1. That statement was about his cycling;
2. I do not approve of or condone in any way, oppressive behaviour towards women, whether it be 'in fun' or intended as aggressive.
3. Sagan has apologised. If the apology is (or has been) accepted by the woman concerned, then that's it - it is up to her to make a decision on what to do, and not ours to second guess. I would support her in whatever decision she makes, as a matter of principle.


The guy is 23. He is going to make mistakes and he is going to regret making them! He will hopefully learn.

No one is condoning what Sagan done but imo there is a lot of overreaction. I mean he got the girls number didn't he? :whistle:

On a more serious note, would there be such outrage is a female did the same to a man? Or if it was same sex? Why is it so much worse when a man does it to a female?

How many guys have been out in their kilt and have had woman groping at them from all angles in an attempt to see if they are a "true Scot"? It takes more than one hand to count the amount of times a member of the female persuasion has lifted my kilt. All fun and games apparently because it's the other way about.

Any guys tried lifting a girls skirt up to see the reaction? :B)

This debate properly exists elsewhere in this forum, but I'm afraid I'll bite (a little) and then leave it.

Would there be the same level of outrage? I am sure there would: the victor's podium of a serious sporting event is no place for that kind of behaviour, and it goes without saying that sexual harrassment (which is what this was) has no place anywhere. If it was a Scot in a kilt (to use your specific example) and a woman lifted it, there would I am sure be a similar level of condonement.

In this day and age, I'd like to think that no-one is still asking the question "Why is it so much worse when a man does it to a female?". This should be self evident, but the substantial wall of data and studies examining the prevelance of sexism, sexual assault and rape which in the vast majority of cases have a woman as the victim should be reason enough to realise why it is worse. Men are rarely the victims in these scenarios.

How many times have men been out in their kilt and had it lifted? No doubt a great number, and that is regrettable. But it pales into comparison when compared to the number of women who are harrassed daily on our streets: wolf whistling, name calling - and then being insulted when they ignore it. Who are groped and assaulted not only in night clubs, but also on public transaport, in the workplace and generally going about their everyday lives, all because seemingly men think that it is acceptable behaviour. And that is before even considering the far worse incidences such as rape.

The good that will come of this incident (hopefully) is that a good number of young cyclists are learning that groping a woman's bum is not acceptable behaviour - and I give credit for Sagan apologising so promptly after the incident. One only hopes that young cyclists are not coming away with the message that it is just playful behaviour - it is not.
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