Well, on entry to the Martian atmosphere, the whole craft is encased in a heatshield to cope with a temperature of 1300C as it heats up from atmospheric friction. No camera is going to like that very much! No atmosphere on the moon, so no heating.
The backshell to the heatshield is discarded only 60 seconds before touchdown so there is a short window for use but I doubt that the data transmission rate to Mars would cope with streaming video. Nasa has promised audio and HD video of the landing later to experience "what it's like to land on Mars"
Just checked and the data rate from rover to orbiter is up to 2mb/s but from orbiter to earth is 160/500 bits per second or faster to/from the Deep Space Network's 34-meter-diameter antennas or at 800/3000 bits per second or faster to/from the Deep Space Network's 70 meter-diameter antenna.
The backshell to the heatshield is discarded only 60 seconds before touchdown so there is a short window for use but I doubt that the data transmission rate to Mars would cope with streaming video. Nasa has promised audio and HD video of the landing later to experience "what it's like to land on Mars"
Just checked and the data rate from rover to orbiter is up to 2mb/s but from orbiter to earth is 160/500 bits per second or faster to/from the Deep Space Network's 34-meter-diameter antennas or at 800/3000 bits per second or faster to/from the Deep Space Network's 70 meter-diameter antenna.
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