Performance lights

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those maxx lights run on three levels, dead bright for 3h, medium for 6(ish) and nine on low, I used the low for the Dun and it was just about ok for unlit roads, the two and three diode models above it burn the same but twice and three times brighter

and they all come with a piggy back pack thet will double the burn time

not plugging them overly, just saying


I've just bought the niterider minewtx2 (not the dual) after having a similar dilemma with pretty much the same names cropping up. In the end I went on a bit of a whim and the fact it scored highest in Top Velo's 2007 light review (I've bought from Top Velo's recommendations before and never been disappointed). They reckoned on about 6hours on the low setting, I've only had it on for about 3 hours total so I can't confirm that (but as I say, I trust Top Velo).

FWIW, tonight was my first fully dark commute (similar in nature to davep's) with the new light and I was pretty amazed at the amount of light it was throwing out, I certainly didn't feel like I needed a second light, it was pretty much like having a car headlight attached to the bike (and that was on the low setting as opposed to the full beam). My only criticism was that my Shimano gear cables cut across the beam casting a bit of a shadow! It's a nice looking bit of kit with a warning to let you know when you're down to the last 15 minutes of charge too.

TBH, the conclusion I came to was that for about £150 you are going to get a good light, it's just up to you to decide which one suits your riding best.


Über Member
Cunobelin said:
One wonders about the Lupine names..... Now I wonder if this is a "Tracy Emin" type thing and these are all exes, Wilma wasn't as bright, or perform as well as Betty, but was brighter and performance wise than Tesla?

Not a Flintstones fan then?


Über Member
Chuffy said:
But dynamos limit you if you run more than one bike. Even more so if you use a dynamo hub.

But if you've just got the one bike, then yes, dynamos will do the job nicely.

I was suggesting types of light rather than power sources, The IQ Fly is available in battery or dynamo versions.


Anyone seen the Airbike SL2 that One One have at the moment? £165 for 700 lumens and 3 hours on max. :sad: That's pretty impressive and looks like it will put my Ay-Ups (320 lumens) to shame at a similar price.

There are some shots of the cheaper, slightly lower output SL1 model here.
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