I'm on the fence a bit about this one. On the one hand the pedestrian was clearly in the wrong, but on the other hand as responsible road users we should adjust our cycling to meet the environment around us. The fact that she "retreated to a traffic island" implies that a reasonable person could assume that pedestrians are likely to try to cross there - as they so frequently do and adjusted speed or stopped accordingly.
Whilst it's frustrating that pedestrians can do unexpected things, this in itself is not unexpected, perhaps if he'd spent more time controlling his bike and less time honking his horn this would never have happened.
Edit to add: it will be interesting to see what level of compensation is awarded - a significant amount or a token amount.
Whilst it's frustrating that pedestrians can do unexpected things, this in itself is not unexpected, perhaps if he'd spent more time controlling his bike and less time honking his horn this would never have happened.
Edit to add: it will be interesting to see what level of compensation is awarded - a significant amount or a token amount.