So having pondered this for a while, I have come to the following opinions:
- If there were pedestrians already in the road, and the cyclist went for a gap behind the last one, who then unexpectedly changed direction back into his path, then on balance I would agree that he was partially liable for the collision for not leaving sufficient room to account for unexpected behaviour like this, which was a reasonably foreseeable event.
- If the pedestrian started to cross while the cyclist was already very close, making a collision very hard to avoid, then I don't see how the cyclist was liable at all.
- I don't think we have enough information to know for sure which of the 2 above actually happened, or something between the 2.
- Regardless of the above, the judgement should, IMO, have given more serious criticism of the pedestrian crossing whilst looking at her phone and not checking for traffic at all.
- I look forward to judges coming to similar judgements when a driver hits a cyclist who unexpectedly changes direction.