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This cycling lark. I like it.

I used to go everywhere as a Yoof and never really gave it up but recently I have really started getting back into it. This is despite have heart issues. In my yoof I had a racer that had strappy toeclip things that were a right pain so I took them off.


It has probably endlessly been debated on here but pedals.

I see the default / defacto position is that if you are serious, you should buy some silly shoes and some silly pedals that the silly shoes clip onto. I have several friends, yes I have, that are all "you should get some of these silly shoes and pedals as they make you put more power into the pedal and let you lift the other crank on the upstroke and give you more poweeeerrr, blah, blah, blah.".

I cannot see the point whatsoever of doing this, am I the only one? The silly shoes and pedals;

1, When walking make you look like you have poo'ed your pants.
2, That you will fall off.
3, When your bike breaks down and you have to push it, makes you look you have poo'ed your pants.
4, That you will fall off.
5, When you stop mid ride at the pub for a swift half, when walking into the pub the silly shoes will cause the other punters to stare at you as you are walking, you guessed it, like you have poo'ed your pants!
6, That you will fall off.
7, That you have to faff about every time after a stop clipping back in whereas without them I'm off without the faff and never fall off.
8, That you will fall off.
9, That during a ride I am no slower and seem to get my power down just as well.
10, That you will fall off.
11, That you cannot move your feet about once clipped in, that has got to be really irritating.
12, That you will fall off.
13, That without them you can wear what ever shoes you want.

The only positive I can think of is;

1, Should you wish to, you could do a bit of tap dancing but it would be funny as you would be dancing looking like you have poo'ed your pants.




Über Member
I have never fallen off either in the 8 months I've had them (SPD) and I can also walk fine with them. My feet don't fly off the pedals either causing the pedal to come back around and whack my leg. The faff of clipping in is putting my foot on the pedal and pressing down, something you have to do to pedal in the first place.


Legendary Member
It is not looking good, seems I am the only one :crazy: but it is early days...
Nope........another flatty here. Pedals with little pins and grippy rubber soled shoes and I haven't slipped off them. Oh, and when my chain broke I walked ten miles home........not looking like I had pooed myself! :laugh:


The falling off thing - it stops you from giving up on a steep hill :smile:

Now that has put a completely different spin on it. I shall still resist as I having a heart condition and being on a massive dose of beta blockers means I have the perfect excuse for getting off and pushing.


Legendary Member
SPDs are OK as for the rest I completely agree unless you are competing in a discipline like Time Trialling or Triathlon etc. (not Sportives as they're fun/charity rides and NOT races. :cursing: )
Or like looking as though you've poo'd yer pants. :whistle:

young Ed

apart from the speed benefit, they are heaven on my feet! i have never had another pair of shoes that are as comfy as my 2 pairs of clipless 'silly' shoes

i have only fallen off properly one with them, my first ride out i decided to head a few metres round the corner to them proceed to fly along my favourite strava segment and as i come to a stop at the end i go to put my foot down but completely forget and i'm sure you know the rest
had a few close ones where i unclipped one foot but started to fall to the wrong side but managed to save it but for the last 6 months or so i haven't had any problems. (had them about 7 or 8 months now)
Cheers E
I used to have nice grippy rows of little pins that made a nice straight line of holes in my leg when I misjudged what was happening. I now use SPDs and have only once failed to unclip successfully and that was in a traffic light bike box and fortunately a Range Rover had also stopped in it so I fell gently against their front wing, made me smile.
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