Feel free to continue being an idiot in soapbox. That's what it's there for.
But please do try to keep your buffoonery in there. This is Beginners. It's where people -especially newbies who we should be welcoming and encouraging- ask questions and want fair replies, not your idiocy.
Shut it.
If you give them advice that I consider might not be the best for them, or wrong advice, or even just advice that I think could be embellished upon or put into context or accompanied by another point of view, then I'll jolly well step forward and give them that other point of view or correct you where I think you're wrong.
I'm biting my tongue here, because I could continue this argument more strongly, but it would be by laying into you in a way that would possibly be hurtful, and I think you're a fairly sound bloke so I don't
really want to to that. But if you feel the need to try to stand in my way further, then go right ahead and I'll damn well come out with it (but do it in the appropriate forum if you must pursue it).
I'll repeat what I said earlier. Beginners is where people ask questions. They deserve informed answers, based on experience and knowledge.
don't deserve received wisdom, or to only hear the 'standard' accepted response.
What beginners want is a breadth of viewpoints, in order that they can pick the one that they think will work best for them. Usually that involves lots of people recommending different things for different reasons, they also want to hear the pros and cons of different pieces of kit from as many different people as possible. Don't make the mistake of assuming the perception that Beginners = Stupid/Naive.
If you've used the pedals I recommend, then I'd be more than welcome for you to point out the disadvantages of them, but for some reason, it seems you don't like it when this is reciprocated. If you want to go on telling me I haven't ever had any experience in using single-sided SPD pedals, then go right ahead, and like I say I'll tell you exactly what I think of my cycling experience in comparison to yours, but as I've said, it's probably very unproductive of me to do so, so please don't make me.