OK - here's my theory.
The original founders (including Sargent and Knowles - who are named as founders of PedalMe on the
Wiki page) had an idea and founded the company
Bike Taxi Ltd on 1 Feb 2017 Their names are on the Bike Taxi registration.
On reflection, and maybe on advice from a hipster with a stupid haircut specialising in web marketing, they decided to trade under the name of PedalMe as Bike Taxi wasn't cool enough. But they had already registered the company as Bike Taxi Ltd. No worries, they just used PedalMe as a trading name/service name.
This is reflected in their terms and conditions
https://pedalme.co.uk/terms/ where they say:
'Pedal Me' is a service operated by Bike Taxi Limited, and the fact that Bike Taxi Ltd have registered "PedalMe" as a trademark
UK00003329814. PedalMe is the name of the service, not the company.