A daft additional question, which I should know the answer too but am not sure of.
Can I use ordinary shoes/trainers on clipless pedals, maybe Shimano M520's (which are on offer at the moment)
The reason I ask is that half of my riding is to the local Tesco etc etc and it would be a bit of a pain to get in and out of special shoes for an hour trip that is mostly spent trying to dodge trolleys and aggressive female shoppers.
I'm of the same thought.. according to LBS 'you can' , but its not great. ( I'd take that to be an understatement, he was showing me some eggbeaters at the time

which is why i'm looking at the 424's , you gain being able to cycle in normal shoes OR cycle shoes..
you lose the fact the 520's are two sided,, so putting your feet in, you need the pedal the 'correct' way round for the shoe you want.. I'll take that, I'm currently riding with a toe-clip ( which I've found quite useful tbh and not TOO much of a pain having to flip the pedals sometimes

[i'm passing info on, i've not tried any of this,, just got the aldi shoes so far