Lat year I approached this event with entirely the wrong mindset and tried to do it as fast as I possibly could...
I was interested in how I had come on from doing it the year before (my first organised event). Knowing that I was now a faster and more experienced bike rider than the majority I turned up right at the earliest start time assuming that more experienced riders would likely to be there... I was looking for a race. As it turned out I got one, me and one other guy paced each other and then raced all the way. If there were other fast riders around they had slept in. He beat me grrr and I was second through. Loved every minute of it. One downside is that we went far quicker than the organisers expected and signs, cones etc were still not in place when we passed.
I'm still thinking about doing the 100 this year, (I might be allowed) though I have lost a fait bit of enduarnace fitness since the Etape Caledonia. So, If I do, I am going to approach this event with entirely the wrong mindset and cruise rond at medium speed chatting to folk and actually stopping at the feed stations. Hey I might even have some lunch somewhere and a pint... any other CCers doing the 100?