Pedal for Scotland 2009

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just jim

pickup1980 said:
is there any famous people doing the cycle

Dunno if he's riding it but Danny MacAskill will be doing his thing in Victora Park.


New Member
first event for me in 10 years plus i think, since doing the bobath secc to loch lomond on my bmx 3 years in a row, plastic saddle the lot haha


Senior Member
Read all the posts in the thread...looking forward to it even more now!

Once the seasoned riders from my work team leave me in their wake, I'll be sure to look out for you guys for a bit of friendly banter.

There sure are some 'characters' on here :blush:

Mr Pig

New Member
WillieBelong said:
...since doing the bobath secc to loch lomond on my bmx...

I saw a few kids starting the PFS on BMX bikes years ago. I can't imagine they made it to the end. Respect for going further than the end of the street on one. No hang on, you did it three times! That's just plain stupid! ;0)

Mr Pig

New Member
JiMBR said:
There sure are some 'characters' on here :blush:

I'm not really a pig and Goo is not sticky at all.


Year before last - when it rained BIG TIME - just after I came up Hawe's Brae in S Q'ferry, I came across a youth (17-ish), wearing cotton t-shirt, football shorts and trainers, soaked to the bones, who asked 'how much further ?' He wasseemed quite happy and had certainly done all the way thus far on his BMX bike, which looked tiny compared to him. Chapeau, I say :tongue: ......



.... or come and take him away :blush:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Mr Pig said:
I saw a few kids starting the PFS on BMX bikes years ago. I can't imagine they made it to the end. Respect for going further than the end of the street on one. No hang on, you did it three times! That's just plain stupid! ;0)

We saw people finish on BMXs, a Raleigh Chopper, a rickshaw etc etc last year. Not to mention the wee 5yr-old boy who did the whole thing pedalling like the clappers on his wee bike. Here's his video as he nears the finish.

Mr Pig

New Member
scoosh said:
I came across a youth (17-ish), wearing cotton t-shirt, football shorts and trainers, soaked to the bones,

It didn't matter what you were wearing that year, you were soaked to the skin anyway! Pretty bleak here today, you'd better play for a nicer day for the ride!

Not to mention the wee 5yr-old boy who did the whole thing pedalling like the clappers

That little kid's fantastic! :0) Hat's off. I've often thought about making my kids do it but I worried about them making it...


Senior Member
Mr Pig said:
It didn't matter what you were wearing that year, you were soaked to the skin anyway! Pretty bleak here today, you'd better play for a nicer day for the ride!

The forecast looks good...but I just don't trust those smug Met Office B*stards! :biggrin:


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Mr Pig said:
So we're screwed then? Or rather you are! I'll waive out the window as you pass ;0)

Well, last year you were so convinced we'd get wet that you bet us all a Ferrari (or was it a Porsche?) if we got to Edinburgh without getting caught in rain. We're still waiting for our cars... :biggrin::biggrin:

I think we need the definitive forecast once again - what does Magnatom's Knee (TM) say about the upcoming weekend weather? :rolleyes:
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