What happened? One of three things: it wasn't torqued properly and worked loose or, it cracked and then came loose or, it was torqued too much, which caused the deformation around the edge of the hole, which lead to a stress riser and gave rise to the crack. Although that is a very nice photo (it is nice to see someone who has a camera with a focus function) it doesn't show the inside of the hole at the "cracked" area, so I can't say if that is a crack or not.
That's a left crank, right?
You are a powerful rider, right?
Powerful/heavy riders expose a particular weakness in crank/pedal attachment. A pedal attaches via the wrong mechanism. It should have had a lug nut fitting such as a wheel nut with a taper. The flat collar on the pedal eats into the crank and leads to this type of problem. It won't happen with a conical section, but unfortunately the industry either doesn't understand that or, the problem is not prevalent enough to bother with it and fight against legacy compatibility issues.
The thread can easily be fixed with an insert, but the collar damage does not make a repair worthwhile.