Doh! you got me! I meant nigh of course.TheDoctor said:I've had horse steak while camping near Gravelines. If that helps...
Doh! you got me! I meant nigh of course.TheDoctor said:I've had horse steak while camping near Gravelines. If that helps...
domtyler said:Has anyone ever eaten peacock?
I would imagine it would be rather tasty, does anyone know where I can buy a prepared Peacock?
Patrick Stevens said:Phone up the Daily Mail and tell them that you're a bogus asylum seeker and want to eat a peacock. Tell them that you've no objection to being photographed eating one in the new Bentley that social services have just given you. They'll do the rest.
red_tom said:Take and flee off the skynne with the fedurs tayle and the nekke, and the hed thereon; then take the skyne with all the fedures, and lay hit on a table abrode; and strawe thereon grounden comyn; then take the pecokke, and roste him, and endore hym with raw yolks of egges; and when he is rosted take hym of, and let hym cool awhile, and take hym and sew hym in his skyn, and gilde his combe, and so serve hym forthe with the last cours.
Jayme Olyvr (Kichten Whelp)
Peacock Curry??!!?red_tom said:... and strawe thereon grounden comyn;
Pete said:Peacock Curry??!!?