I have noticed, on my regular trips to Mainland Europe (particularly France), that shops selling such items, still exist. Don't they have a problem with knife crime, etc etc?
Not right now but that could change according to BBC correspondent in Paris:
France has seen no equivalent of the wave of fatal stabbings in Britain, and newspaper reports on the so-called "culture du poignard" (knife culture) reigning in London and other big cities are read with universal horror.
But experts warn there is no cause for complacency. Where Britain has gone, France could all too easily follow.
According to Alain Bauer, France's leading criminologist, the carrying of knives and other weapons by adolescents is widespread in many poor neighbourhoods.
And if the number of murders nationwide remains relatively low (on average around 1,000 a year, of which only about 35 by minors), there has been a huge increase recently in acts of violence carried out by minors.
Gang culture
"One big difference here is that our gang culture is directed mainly against representatives of the state. In Britain, it is more internecine," says Mr Bauer.
"In general, here in France we haven't reached the point where knife-carriers move to the actual deed. But it's probably only a question of time."
According to Mr Bauer, Western societies are all caught in a similar pattern of youth violence, which he says is linked to a collapse of confidence in authority.
"Across the West, we have a set of moral references that date from the 18th century, 19th century laws, 20th century police - and 21st century violence," he says.