The local football pitches are strewn with plastic bottles and tape to hold socks up ...from both adults and kids..who are by the way with adult parents
How can they carry a full bottle but not but a crushed down empty back in the bag to take home ??
The same people who no doubt complain about council tax payments and will comment that the parks are scruffy and blame the council for what is the peoples ignorance
It's all about education
Same as tbe photos in beauty sports if wild campers humping gear up a hill just to abounding it in the early hours
The community service thing
We had a few years back offenders were doing there service in pink work vests to shame them somewhat and also to let the public see they are criminal offenders not be confused with genuine workers
I believe some equally criminal lawyer decided it was against there human rights or so to be dressed like that
So guess what ..the pink vests disappeared..another vialiotion of human rights law yes the nerve do well criminal who can make this law work for them more appropriate than the victims
How can they carry a full bottle but not but a crushed down empty back in the bag to take home ??
The same people who no doubt complain about council tax payments and will comment that the parks are scruffy and blame the council for what is the peoples ignorance
It's all about education
Same as tbe photos in beauty sports if wild campers humping gear up a hill just to abounding it in the early hours
The community service thing
We had a few years back offenders were doing there service in pink work vests to shame them somewhat and also to let the public see they are criminal offenders not be confused with genuine workers
I believe some equally criminal lawyer decided it was against there human rights or so to be dressed like that
So guess what ..the pink vests disappeared..another vialiotion of human rights law yes the nerve do well criminal who can make this law work for them more appropriate than the victims