Paul Walker from 2 Fast 2 Furious has died

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Cycling Dan

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
I'm struggling to raise sympathy for this if I'm honest. I feel sorry for him as a passenger as he didn't have control of the car (that said, nor did the driver)
9 people died on friday night in a pub in Glasgow. Whilst it has hit the headlines here, I doubt if it even made a single episode of the evening news stateside. We have to suck up everything which happens there, but when you are there, the news coverage is so inward looking.
One should also judge a person on what they have done in their life. As a person of wealth he was not a normal celeb but one who give millions and did loads for charity to improve the lives of people who were no where near the same position he was in. He was traveling to an event for charity that day. A bad event and the world is lesser for it. He was known world wide which is why he made international news. The Glasgow event for example is more of a national example of news.
Cycling Dan

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
He gave millions?
Not directly and I don't know how much directly as there are no figures but by using his status for charities to be able to raise such amounts at events and raise awareness to particular events in the world. Also by setting up the Reach Out Worldwide charity


One should also judge a person on what they have done in their life. As a person of wealth he was not a normal celeb but one who give millions and did loads for charity to improve the lives of people who were no where near the same position he was in. He was traveling to an event for charity that day. A bad event and the world is lesser for it. He was known world wide which is why he made international news. The Glasgow event for example is more of a national example of news.
Jimmy Saville also raised millions for charity. Doesn't make him blameless in life does it? I believe in the early days of the revelations of his crimes his victims were villified in the press and referred to as gold diggers.

I didn't know who this man was until he died the other day, but from what I can gather there are a couple of aspects of his life that seem a little unpleasant.


There seems to be no secret that they were in a relationship when she was still 16. At best innapropriate, at worst ilegal. His driving also seems to leave alot to be desired.
Cycling Dan

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Jimmy Saville also raised millions for charity. Doesn't make him blameless in life does it? I believe in the early days of the revelations of his crimes his victims were villified in the press and referred to as gold diggers.

I didn't know who this man was until he died the other day, but from what I can gather there are a couple of aspects of his life that seem a little unpleasant.
Apart from the last lass he had I cant see anything specifically unpleasant. One point I will make is Saville didn't put a ring on his victims. So that alone suggests different. Saville seemed more of a bash and dash sort of guy


Love knows no boundaries.
Neither do gold diggers.
Up to you which way you look at it.

I would have been very unhappy if a 33 year old man made a play for one of my daughters at the age of 16. The relationship stood the test of time, but the maturity level between the two are going to be poles apart.
Cycling Dan

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Im sure the media will drag any misdoings out in the future once the fact hes just died has worn off a little
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