I'm now in Month 7 of Patellar Tendinopathy and seem to be recovering slowly. I had an ultrasound scan which revealed the core of my right knee tendon had degenerated and had been replaced by blood vessels. The blood vessels then allow nerves to grow which is where the pain comes from. I have been undertaking daily eccentric knee exercises using weights on an incline board and it has removed the blood vessels and killed off the nerves reducing the pain, I had it re-scanned and it looked much improved. I was cycling 250 miles a week and not really allowing my knees time to recover between rides, I'm now looking into other potential issues such as bike set-up to prevent a return of the injury now that I'm riding again. My right foot naturally points toe out and I think that having cleats which forced it to point straight have contributed to the damage. I would be interested to hear if anyone has used pedal extenders to allow the heel to get closer to the crank arm and therefore allowing the toe to point out more naturally. I'm considering a dynamic video bike fit to see if any issues can be captured, any recommendations for this on the south coast (Hampshire) would be welcomed. I found the following resource useful and signed up for e-mail letters. It was a good while before being asked to sign up and pay for a book and course but the free information offered was really good. http://www.fix-knee-pain.com/patellar-tendonitis-jumpers-knee/ . Fingers crossed for a full recovery