Parkride not Parkrun

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Legendary Member
Both parkrun and parkride are late to the party....



Grimpeur des terrains plats
I read that a chap in Scotland has started Parkride, a cycling version of Parkrun.

Thread 'Parkride not Parkrun'


North Shields
I fully support the idea but am curious about the intellectual property of parkrun here...and wonder if she spoke to them at all.

I reckon she probably did, and from what I know of parkrun I doubt they'll have had an issue with what she's doing.

It's on a Sunday for a start which (if it gets bigger, which sadly I doubt) doesn't pose any route overlap/conflicts.


Kilometre nibbler
Unless it's a big park I cannot see many parks hosting this? I would think the risks of mamils racing round is too much for most councils.

That was immediate thought too.


The cyclists are timed each time they ride the ParkRide ... Results are emailed to participants, allowing them to track and aim to better their times, as in parkrun.

That's getting into the realms of TT-ing, and could encourage irresponsible riding as people try to push themselves. Also - would there be legal issues with organising a cycle race? Would this be considered a "trial of speed"? Dunno. I am not a lawyer.

All in all it would be better just to turn up and record the fact of completion - in my opinion at least. If people want to track their own times with GPSs that's up to them.

It may be OK for this one particular event where they have plenty of space and a big loch to ride around but I can't see it catching on elsewhere - not like Parkrun. Maybe the one event is all that it's meant to be and it has no wider ambitions to take over the world? No, they do say: If you want to build your own version, MacPhee is keen to help. "We need enthusiastic people to make this happen,"
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Firm and Fruity
That was immediate thought too.


The cyclists are timed each time they ride the ParkRide ... Results are emailed to participants, allowing them to track and aim to better their times, as in parkrun.

That's getting into the realms of TT-ing, and could encourage irresponsible riding as people try to push themselves. Also - would there be legal issues with organising a cycle race? Would this be considered a "trial of speed"? Dunno. I am not a lawyer.

All in all it would be better just to turn up and record the fact of completion - in my opinion at least. If people want to track their own times with GPSs that's up to them.

It may be OK for this one particular event where they have plenty of space and a big loch to ride around but I can't see it catching on elsewhere - not like Parkrun. Maybe the one event is all that it's meant to be and it has no wider ambitions to take over the world? No, they do say: If you want to build your own version, MacPhee is keen to help. "We need enthusiastic people to make this happen,"

There would need to be insurance in place, especially with timed cyclists on public paths.
I know that Parkrun have insurance for all their events, but I suspect the costs of a cycling event are far more than a running event, as the risks are higher.
Before every parkrun there is a standard announcement which is treated with as much reverence as the flight attendant’s safety announcement on a plane. The jist being that this is not a race and we do not have sole use of the park, so must give way to other park users.


Kilometre nibbler
There would need to be insurance in place, especially with timed cyclists on public paths.
I know that Parkrun have insurance for all their events, but I suspect the costs of a cycling event are far more than a running event, as the risks are higher.
Before every parkrun there is a standard announcement which is treated with as much reverence as the flight attendant’s safety announcement on a plane. The jist being that this is not a race and we do not have sole use of the park, so must give way to other park users.

I don't know if there are laws in place around running events. But if they are organising a "trial of speed" for cycling then they need more than just insurance - because A person who promotes or takes part in a race or trial of speed on a public way between cycles is guilty of an offence, unless the race or trial— (a) is authorised, and (b) is conducted in accordance with any conditions imposed. There are regulations too about numbers of participants and informing the police beforehand.

But I don't know if this qualifies as a "trial of speed", or if it's on a "public way" so it's all a bit moot.
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