Meme bar
- Location
- ...I don't have much idea - really.
User1314 said:Only a vague idea as to the route. North London is Bandit Country. The sooner we get South of the River the better.
You have to be one rich mother* bandit to go where we are venturing Gersh...I just totted up the parks - 29 if all goes to plan,(11 before reaching the hallowed ground of High St Kensington) possibly thirty if there is a good vibe and we can throw in Battersea...(bit naff as it is South of the Riv.)
Even the off road bits can be done 'on road' - it's just that the 'on road' is gravelly...
Come on - "let's be having one" (that's you).
The forecast for fun looks brilliant. We owe it to mikee - he's the one making the