Paris-Brest-Paris 2011

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Ian H

Ancient randonneur
They're going through them quickly now. most people have got their numbers, including me, so see you all in Paris...I mean St Quentin.


West London
I have that book too. Imho, it's a very good and basic approach to all things audax related, not a lot that isn't mentioned in it really. Sometimes you get the feeling you're being told the bleedin' obvious but not everything is obvious to everyone so, yes, a recommended read.

The advice given re the 1200+km training program does differ from what people both here and on YACF are saying though. I'm unsure to which is the best advice so have to go with what feels intuitively right for me.

Agreed - it's a good book. I'm pleased to be upping my mileage at this stage as I went a bit off the boil for a few weeks after Bryan Chapman in mid-May.

I then looked at SD's book and did a little list of what he recommended vs what I had done and found that I had been remarkably close to his suggested ride pattern for most of the year - until late May / early June. So I thought I'd jump back on it. It's the first time I've done PBP so it gives me a lot of reassurance to know I am following a pattern set out by an expert.

Edit - if I'd done a 1000km+ ride before, then I'd feel more confident to do something different


i've done the last audax before pbp on saturday (rutland 300k), everything went well, the weather and the roads were perfect, so finished in 12h. now will be doing some short and fast rides in next two weeks. and start buying last minute stuff (inner/outer cables, lithium aa batteries, summer overshoes, rain jacket, mitts etc.)


back and brave
I've not been feeling 100% of late.

I did a 200 this weekend just gone, and a 300 the weekend before. The 300 was meant to be 400 but I bailed and called the misses to pick me up. It was an 7pm start and I flew for 150km (despite the p*ssing rain) but after that, I just went downhill metaphorically. I phoned her at 7am to arrange a meet point 20k away... which took me 90 minutes to get too! 300km in under 14 hours sounds like good going but, believe me, I was toast. Didn't touch the bike for the week following.

This weekend's 200 was a club outing and took the best part of 14 hours, so slow - they like to stop for breaks etc! I was comfortable but could tell I had no real strength.

Did my 'fast 50' circuit this morning. It's odd, the figures reflect I was as quick as usual but I definitely felt off colour. Something not quite right.

I'll probably ride another couple of fast 50s this week, then doing a 100 randonnée this Saturday and then I'm seriously thinking of calling it quits before PBP and resting for a couple of weeks - eating and sleeping well. I reckon I might be in danger of over training at the moment, I'll see how I feel come Sunday. I'm motivated to ride, no problems there, just not feeling quite to strength.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I rode to London on Saturday and home yesterday. Two lots of 150 miles, both in less than 12hrs. Now to finish off with a time trial or two. Strangely, I've never actually trained for previous PBPs. We'll see whether it makes any difference.


New Member
Hi guys,

Good to read about your last few weeks training. Zig zag completes his 300k in the time it takes me to complete a 200! Hope yello is on the mend real soon.

My training is going well. I consider myself a novice and am never really sure of what I'm doing. I completed a 100 mile off road randonnee last weekend (south downs way) on mymtb which was awesome fun. I rode a hilly (3.5 aaa) 200k this week, the Montgomery Madness - fantastic ride. I just hope to complete a 200k perm next week and then call it quits. not really sure what to do in the week before, but eating and sleeping sounds good. Best of luck to you all!


West London
I rode to Norfolk yesterday - about 130 miles all in, or about 200km. I managed to pick the one wet day of the week, but I didn't mind as it was a chance to test my new tyres (I'm now on Vittoria Rubino Pros) and my jacket (gone back to commuting jacket as the race cape was proving a bit too porous).

I am planning to do two more rides, which will be 150-200km, and a couple of time trials, which are likely to be just 10 miles, before riding out.


Über Member
Wish I could be there. Good luck to all. Hope the weather is kind and you all make it unscathed.

John Diffley :smile:


New Member
Thanks Yahuda.

Question time: Do we get awarded AUK points for completing pbp? AAA points? Where has audax uk gone - I can't get it online at the mo.


Doo :biggrin:


Thanks Yahuda.

Question time: Do we get awarded AUK points for completing pbp? AAA points? Where has audax uk gone - I can't get it online at the mo.


Doo :biggrin:

Yes, your points will be credited some time before the end of the season.

AUK Validator

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
The AUK site suffered a major outage, but is back now. Sorry about that (though it was beyond our control).


back and brave
Hope yello is on the mend real soon.

Yes, thank you, he is! Back up and firing on all 4... or 2... or however many it is.

It was the side effects of my blood pressure pills. They were ok at first but after 3 weeks, I was a wreck. So I stopped taking them. 36 hours later, I was feeling brilliant! Almost worth feeling crap to feel that good! I've done a few rides since and I'm giving myself the all clear.

The bike too is ready to go. I did 25km on it this morning as a final check and she was sweet. She'll not be ridden again until PBP. I'll do a light & bags fit next week, no last minute stuff for me.

I'll do a couple of gentle rides next week, just to keep things turning over, but that's it. I'm good to go and ready for the off. Bring it on! :biggrin:

Allez! Courage et bonne route! etc etc etc
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