Paris-Brest-Paris 2011

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Cake connoisseur
:ohmy: She's not posted since she ran out into the garage to sniff Humbrol paint!
Undoubtedly. "The man who ran away" (Sheffield 2009) :tongue: done good. Congratulations bonj.


bonj with a bright red helmet and two minature workmen repairing his straps.
This double thread thing is only slightly less tiring than the PBP itself.....!!!

Big congratulations to everyone who took part - outstanding result.

:cheers: :bravo: :cheers: :bravo: :cheers:

I look forward to the next one (as a supporter not as a participant!)

M :bicycle:


  • Frank PBP 2011 Fantastic Results.jpg
    Frank PBP 2011 Fantastic Results.jpg
    177.2 KB · Views: 99
  • Remus PBP 2011 Fantastic Results.jpg
    Remus PBP 2011 Fantastic Results.jpg
    173.5 KB · Views: 95
  • LouiseL PBP 2011 Results Fantastic.jpg
    LouiseL PBP 2011 Results Fantastic.jpg
    175.6 KB · Views: 96
  • Swarm Catcher PBP 2011 Results Fantastic.jpg
    Swarm Catcher PBP 2011 Results Fantastic.jpg
    172.5 KB · Views: 162


back and brave
Phew, I was worried he wouldn't make the time! Well done Yello.

Oh yee of little faith! ;) It was all under control, I assure you.In fact, I was well impressed with how I managed the ride - even if I say so myself. Lots of stories to tell of course, and I'll save that for later perhaps, but suffice to say that I had a bit of an epiphany at Carhaix on the return and reworked how I'd do things. Basically, I slept more often!

My ride from Montagne to Dreux had to be a bit, um, spirited shall we say because someone forgot to wake me but once into Dreux (where I had another hour's kip!), I was never in doubt. The ride back to SQY was my champagne ride and I really enjoyed it!

Right, gotta go, the misses is glaring at me.... we're supposed to be on holiday and that seemingly means I can't use t'interweb!
Fiona N

Fiona N

How about Fiona, Baggy? She started the thread - did she actually make it after all? (A bit of a 'lazy' post I know but...:rolleyes:)

I 'unlazied' myself as I had the entrant's list to hand. No 'Fiona' mentioned in the first name column

That's because I decided not to go (pressures of work) although my young(-ish) sister who qualified in southern regions was going to go until a family bereavement intervened :cry:

Many congratulations to those who've been and done great :cheers:


West London
Sorry you didn't make it, Fiona. You'll be pleased to know that the Hewitt performed well and it was useful to have a recognisably English bike. A couple of people struck up conversations with me as a result of it during the dark hours!

I've put an account of my ride here in Riders' Tales.

It's rather long, but it's hard to know what to miss out!

That's because I decided not to go (pressures of work) although my young(-ish) sister who qualified in southern regions was going to go until a family bereavement intervened :cry:

Many congratulations to those who've been and done great :cheers:

Sorry to hear about your bereavement Fiona - maybe you'll be able to join the 150 CycleChatters who have been inspired by this year's effort - in 2015!

BTW I didn't mean to imply that you were lazy about posting - it was me asking the question of Baggy rather than re-read the whole thread to see if you had made any posts etc - that's all! :smile:

It was epic entertainment though - so well done for kicking it all off.
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