Why? What's good about it? To be good design something needs to look good and perform well. This product looks horrible and (absent proper testing) no-one knows how well it performs.
The other interesting aspect for this helmet is how it would be tested and rated as "fit for purpose"
One article has suggetsed that it has already passed EN1078:
To test the helmet, the designer took it to a crash lab at Imperial College London, where it passed the European safety standards.
However the same article also states that the helmet has a life of about 3 hours in the rain:
To make it waterproof, it has been covered in a biodegradable coating that protects it in the rain for up to three hours.
Here is the BIG question...
You wear a helmet that passes EN1078, and it rains, how does the helmet's function change?
Where does this 3 hours figure come from?
Has it been tested after 3 hours in a light shower,, and 3 hours in a downpour - is the deterioration in function the same in both cases ?
Is it 3 hours of continuous rain, or will a thorough soaking in the first half hour start a process by which the function deteriorates ?
Is the failure progressive, and is it still able to pass EN1078 after 3 hours of British weather, and then fails to meet these standards after 3 hours?
These are questions that need detailed answers - at this point the wearer has chosen to use a product that may or may not meet the most basic standards after a few minutes of use