Paper Guillotines

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Time Waster

The industrial arm cutters tended to puish the paper along as it cut so didn't work for paper. They were not designed for paper though and perhaps paper arm cutters are different.

It seems there are three kinds. Arm cutters, wheel cutters and ones like wheel but with just a non rotation blade (like a two sided scalpel blade set horizontally in the mount.
AT my last school as a teacher we had 2
one was cheaper than the other

The main difference seemed to be the quality of teh metal in the bar that the cutter ran on

On the cheap one it could easily bend - which was not good - made the cutter catch and made the cut a bit bent
teh other one seemed to have a much stronger bar and seldom failed - but did "go missing" from time to time!!!
( schools are like that- a lot of people "borrow" stuff and "forget" to return it!)
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