I think this is a bit mean.
Most actors are not millionaire superstars. It is a job like anything else. In the entertainment industry, if you are practicing your craft in whatever way and paying the rent, you are winning. Being in a soap/boy band for a few years does not set you up for life. Most jobbing actors do adverts, corporate videos and teach as well as doing provincial theatre and - yes - panto. They are entertaining people which is what they trained to do.
As a pro trumpet player, my son does panto, musicals - both professional productions and amateur musical societies that employ pro musicians, his classical quintet, session work in studios, orchestral work mainly small, occasionally big, function bands - birthday parties, weddings and nightclubs. He also teaches. It’s not glamorous (usually), not well paid but it is what he has trained for since the age of seven and its a living. I wouldn’t look down on any of it.