Painting Stainless Steel

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There are loads of youtubes showing it's use.


[QUOTE 4597440, member: 9609"]I have some of that stuff good for cables but never thought to use it as paint, for the OP frame would it not end up a bit crinkled and the joins would be awful.[/QUOTE]

I though he only wanted it for the stays, in which case cut slightly over length and away you go. Certainly would not be crinkly, well it should not be.


Slightly retro
West Wales
The heat wrap will cost a couple of quid, a micro butane torch about £8. Once you have that torch you will find a lot of uses for it, soldering, cream brulee topping, lighting candles and loads more.
I use heat shrink extensively on car/bike wiring mods as it gives a professional finish. I started using a small flame, but a cheap heat gun is worth its weight in gold. With a flame (gas or whatever), it's easy to char the shrink wrap. With a heat gun, it just shrinks on in seconds. And there are a lot of other uses for a heat gun - paint removal, stubborn fasteners, bearing race fitting and removal and so on. I think mine was under £20 from Homebase and I wouldn't be without it.


Choice of sizes here.
I use heat shrink all the time, you can even do it with a decent hairdryer and it'll look fine. If you don't like it cut it off and you're only a couple of quid worse off.

Excellent news. I wondered if a hair dryer would do it. Cheers for the link too but it says the biggest size is 6.4mm and I doubt that would be enough. Or would it?

I think we've established black is the only colour, probably a cycling goth.

Cycling Ninja sounds good. Actually, off-topic I know but one of the big things I've noticed since switching to hub gears is the complete absence of chainline noise. You don't really notice it until it's gone.


I use a heat gun in the workshop, I was just trying to keep things cheap for the guy. Micro torch I find very useful and have no problem with charring, bit like using a pressure washer on a bike.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Heat guns rock. I bought one to use with Gorilla Tape to repair the seat on my tractor, and have found endless uses for it. Heat wrap is a new one on me, gotta look into it.
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