im such a twat! when i started riding the mtb i wasn't stretching but did start after a while after some advice on here which did help, ive been so excited about getting the hybrid after the 2 weeks of not riding that i clean forgot about stretching. By the time i had stopped riding the mtb i was doing 10 miles 4-5 days a week & the combined mileage for my last 2 rides before it packed up for last time was 27 miles which was great for me although i did suffer afterwards. Just been in such as rush to get back on the bike that stretching didn't even pop into my head.
physio had told me to get in contact when i got round to buying a bike & they would give some training advice, but like everything else in the health service they are over stretched & still waiting for the appointment, just taking a while
i think every other day or daily with reduced miles would work even until the school holidays finish & the girls are back in school that way i will have more time on my hands. Im always a bit stressed when i go out & leave the wife to look after the girls, both girls have special needs and the wife has epilepsy, thinking now as i type this im wondering if im pushing myself harder than i think so i can get back home incase anything happens i know im always rushing home incase there giving the wife bother.
think its best to take things easy & either reduce the miles or rides until holidays are finished & knuckle down after that, that way i can concentrate on the rides & building up strength in the legs without being distracted by worrying if things are ok at home while im out (i went to the shops one day about 3 years ago & returned home to find the wife face down on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood after she took a seizure & broke her nose when she collapsed. Luckily the girls were in school at the time so weren't left wondering the house while wife was unconscious but always plays on my mind when i leave her alone with them)
well thanks for the advice & jogging my memory about the stretching, think im to stressed at the moment to make any real progress so just ride as & when i can until the schools start back & try to relax when i do go out.