Pain in back/chest

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Über Member
I don't know if it's coincidence, but since working more on hills, I have been getting some discomfort. This happens off, never on, the bike, and is at it's worst during the night when it wakes me up.

The pain presents in one of three ways:
  1. In the back, just below the right shoulder blade. It doesn't feel "deep" or muscular, more like on the surface, but there is no bruising or bumps/spots etc. There is a bit of pain when touching the skin in that area. It's like a burning pain that comes and goes.
  2. As above, but then it extends to the front, in the chest area. This feels deeper and is more of a regular pulsing type pain.
  3. Just the chest area. Same pain.
I haven't changed any bike setup, and have been riding this bike since May, usually up to 10 hours or more a week. The only thing I can time it to is doing a few climbs per week, and by climbs I mean maybe one or two 6-10 min climbs.

Yes I should go to the Dr, phoned today and I have to wait until a week on Thursday! Do you think it could be the bike?


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
@BrynCP It sounds like pain from severe heart burn... stomach acid reflux burning your aesophagus... once the acid has burned your aesophagus it can take a number of hours to ease.

You need to try eating earlier in the evening certainly before 9pm, lying propped on a couple of pillows rather than on your side in bed, so that you're helping to prevent acid reflux rising out of your stomach and cutting down on alcohol and fatty foods.

I have had acid reflux for years and I have been prescribed Lansoprazole daily by my doctor which helps reduce the problem. Try taking liquid Gaviscon before you go to bed and when you get the pain.... as my doctor said you can't overdose on Gaviscon!


Ramsgate, Kent
^^^^^^^^ this. I too suffer from acid reflux caused by all the meds I'm on. and it sounds like what I suffer with. I'd still speak to your doctor though.


Über Member
Thanks all. It doesn't feel like a digestive or reflux issue based on what I have had before and some Tesco own brand of Gaviscon I have doesn't make a difference.

It's actually got worse in the chest and feels like I imagine a broken rib would (never had one, and I have had no trauma to my ribs or anything)! Hopefully I'll get my GP appt brought forward as it's becoming unbearable at times. I can't see it being bike related either as I have had a cold this week and been off the bike and these pains have only got worse!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Not to be alarmist but my Angina attacks started as what felt like a muscular pain in my back in the long muscle just slightly below the shoulder blade.
When it was mild I felt it when tired, stressed or when I was smoking a lot. Never initially when cycling. As it progressed I felt it on hills and sometimes also had a chest pain - but not often.
Some angina doesn't present in the 'classical' way.

I'm hoping I'm very wrong on this!

Usually if you mention chest pains you get seen very quickly indeed.


Rural Kent
Usually if you mention chest pains you get seen very quickly indeed.
TBH I think you'd be better off going straight to A+E as they can put you straight onto a monitor and do all the tests. Not to be alarmist as even if it does turn out to be a heart problem there are so many things that can be done to help - heart medicine is really advanced.

EIther that or as FF says above, tell the surgery you're having chest pains and they should hurry you along. There is a huge range of mostly benign things that this could be but no sense messin abaht!


Legendary Member
NE England
My reflux specialist tells me that ONLY Gaviscon Advanced works, I get it by the litre on repeat prescription. I'm also on Lansaprazole and together they seem to be able to control the reflux.

However I'm not sure that reflux is the issue.

So +1 for immediate check over by the quack for heart issues.


Definitely best to get checked out - an ECG will quickly show any abnormal heart rhythm - you might have to wear a monitor for a 24/48hr trace, which is uncomfortable
There are a whole host of things which could cause the pain, I'd not expect it to be reflux given the symptoms
I get occasional stabbing pain in my chest , but that is down to costochondritis and easily alleviated with NSAIDs


Über Member
Appt brought forward to Monday.

I am sure this is nothing, could even be stress related; I asked here in case anybody could see it being bike related. On a scale of 1-10(highest) the pain is mainly 5 or less, more a discomfort, although it just didn't seem to let up last night it's not as bad today - I even managed a slow 10 miles on the bike.

The odd thing is when I am sat up like at my computer the pain is most likely to be in right chest/rib, but when I am in bed in my right back.


As I have said before on here I get chest and shoulder pain, have for a fair while. I had an MRI scan and I have a compressed nerve in my C spine. The symptoms are not bad enough to require intervention but it is always good to know why you have pains so as others have said get checked out then either panic or relax depending on the results. I just hope I don't have a heart attack, I will probably ignore it and just put it down to referred pain from my neck!


Senior Member
I don't want to frighten you but please ask them to check your lungs as well. Friend of mine was sent for physiotherapy on his shoulder by inept doctors before they did the xrays that reviled his cancer.


Über Member
My GP believe it's just muscular and has prescribed two weeks of no cycling, an antacid, some painkillers and a gel.

I am not stopping cycling as it's my only real exercise and it's not a solution, and the pain got no better when I stopped cycling during my cold. I will keep an eye on it and go back if it persists.
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